有同學打畀HKBU ITO查詢,得知實際上只有一名同學帳戶被盜用,但被盜帳號可以透過Moodle系統都可以檢閱同班同學資料,例如同一個course 但唔同section嘅同學資料,因此牽連到共3600名同學,最少已取得受害同學姓名、電郵、相片等資料。ITO有嘗試聯絡被盜同學,但未有回覆 ,因此唔肯定同香港最近發生嘅社會事件有無關係。
Dear CHAN Lok Hang Andrew,
On 15 and 16 July 2019, unusual activity was found in the Moodle system. An investigation was conducted, which showed that unauthorised access had been obtained to the names, email addresses, photos and forum posts of some students registered in the Moodle system. That security breach was likely made via a student account compromised by a hacker.
We regret to inform you that the investigation showed that you are one of the Moodle users whose personal particulars – name, email address, photos and any forum posts – had been exposed to the hacker. According to the University’s Guidelines for Information Security Incident Handling, the necessary remedial action against the compromised account has been taken. Furthermore, the standard Moodle function allowing students to access other students’ profiles has been disabled.
Should you have any enquiries or need any assistance, please contact our Service Call Centre at 3411-7899 or hotline@hkbu.edu.hk.
Office of Information Technology