至於浸大嘅訪客出入校園嘅方式,電郵中未有提及。不過,校方披露嘅圖片顯示,訪客好可能會獲發QR認證,以便喺指定有QR Reader嘅閘口出入。
Dear Students and Staff,
Campus access control for students and staff – REMINDER
To safeguard campus security, all students and staff entering the Kowloon Tong campuses will have to present their student/staff cards at the card readers or to the frontline security staff for checking at the campus entrance checkpoints commencing 13 January 2020 (Monday). Please click HERE for the locations of the checkpoints and images of the card readers.
Any student or member of staff without a valid student/staff card will be requested to show photo ID for manual registration by campus entrance security personnel, which could entail a long wait.
If you have lost your student/staff card, please report promptly to the Academic Registry (for undergraduate students), Graduate School (for postgraduate students) or the Personnel Office (for staff members) to replace it.
A separate notice will be issued shortly about the entry arrangements for visitors to the Kowloon Tong campuses.
We would like to thank the University community for its cooperation in keeping our campus safe and secure.
Estates Office
8 January 2020