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浸大稱因設施損壞周三再停課 查實僅美心等餐廳玻璃碎裂

浸大稱因設施損壞周三再停課 查實僅美心等餐廳玻璃碎裂

浸大稱因設施損壞周三再停課 查實僅美心等餐廳玻璃碎裂


惟根據浸大編委近日報道,只有3間食店被破壞,包括Starbucks 、教學及行政大樓餐廳及iCafe 的Pacific coffee 玻璃被打碎,課室並無任何損壞。



Dear Students and Colleagues,
Cancellation of classes and flexible working arrangements tomorrow
As traffic disruptions are expected to continue, and repair works to damaged facilities take time, ALL classes tomorrow will be cancelled (November 13, 2019).
For colleagues, flexible working arrangements will continue to be in place tomorrow.  Please discuss with your supervisor the operational needs of your office and the best working arrangement.
We appeal to all of you again to stay away from hazards, and put personal safety on high priority.
Albert Chau
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
Andy S C Lee
Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary
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