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一名學生確診新型肺炎 浸大封校停課至4月1號 料數百師生須強制檢測

一名學生確診新型肺炎 浸大封校停課至4月1號 料數百師生須強制檢測

一名學生確診新型肺炎 浸大封校停課至4月1號 料數百師生須強制檢測




Dear Students and Colleagues,
Compulsory COVID-19 testing and class/work arrangements
Following a confirmed COVID-19 student case, the Government has issued a compulsory COVID-19 testing notice for the University.
The notice is directed to ALL persons (including but not limited to students, staff and visitors) who were present at the following University premises for two hours or more between 16 March 2021 (Tuesday) and 29 March 2021 (Monday):
  1. Ho Sin Hang Campus (HSHC) – Lui Ming Choi Centre (LCM);
  2. Baptist University Road Campus (BURC) – Academic and Administration Building (AAB); and
  3. BURC – Lee Shau Kee Communication and Visual Arts Building (CVA).
Please note that all parties subject to the notice are required by law to undergo a compulsory COVID-19 testing by 31 March 2021 (Wednesday). Failure to comply with the notice will be subject to a fine. You may refer to the Government’s website on “compulsory testing for certain persons” at  this link and the notice from the Government attached.
If you have invited guests whose presence in our campus falls within the above stated dates and places, you should inform them the compulsory testing notice immediately.
Access to campus
The current University’s health and safety rules which are in force prescribe that all students and staff who are required to undergo compulsory COVID-19 testing are barred from entering the campus until a negative result is available.  Please observe the rules on the health declaration for campus access.
COVID-19 testing arrangements
You are encouraged to carry out COVID-19 test near your place of residence. All parties subject to the compulsory testing notice may have the test conducted at either any one of the Government’s community testing centres (see the list at or through submission of a specimen to the Government’s designated clinics using specimen collection kit obtained at certain distribution points.  More information can be found at the Government’s relevant website.
In case you live near the campus, you may consider using the temporary mobile testing centre operated by Government’s contractor.   The details are as follows:
Location:                     AAB Plaza facing Renfrew Road
Operating Time:        From 10:00am to 8:00pm daily on 30 and 31 March 2021
No health declaration is needed when entering campus for this purpose.
Any enquiries about compulsory testing arrangements can be addressed to the Environmental Health and Safety Section of the Estates Office at 3411 7997 or by email at .
Suspension of classes
The University is mindful that the compulsory testing notice may affect a large number of staff and students. For the health and safety of our teachers and students, and that of the community at large, the University has therefore decided to cancel all the classes from 30 March 2021 to 1 April 2021 (both dates inclusive).  Make-up arrangements will be made by teachers in consultation with students.
Work arrangements
All staff members whose offices are located at Academic and Administration Building, Lee Shau Kee Communication and Visual Arts Building and Lui Ming Choi Centre, or are subject to the Government’s compulsory testing notice are advised to work from home from 30 March to 1 April, or until tested negative.  Staff members should work with your department head for flexible work arrangement if required and as appropriate.
Please be assured that health and safety of our students and staff members are always our top priority. We would like to remind you to strictly observe the Government’s compulsory testing notice, the University’s campus access requirements as well as class and work arrangements.
Thank you for your attention.
Christine Chow
Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary
Albert Chau
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
29 March 2021
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