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請先看第一題:「In the sale of fei cui, if an article comes with a certificate which has already contained the information required by the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, can the retailer omit the information from the invoice?(零售的翡翠,如附證書列出《商品說明條例》規定的資料,零售商的發票可否把同樣資料畧去?)」按「翡翠」英文是emerald或(green)jadeite,海關翻譯作fei cui,是中共現代漢語拼音;假如「漢語拼音」可以取代英文,則「零售的翡翠」大可譯作lingshou de feicui等,但不知碧眼胡兒讀不讀得懂。當然,這樣音譯,可免英文犯錯,貽笑西方,例如a certificate which has already contained the information那截句子,動詞時式就錯了,has already contained應改為already contains,即以簡單現在式取代現在完成式。
現在看第二題:「What are the amendments to the standard of fineness of Chuk Kam(足金)under the Trade Descriptions Order?(《商品說明令》對足金的純度標準有何修訂?)」按「足金」英文是pure gold、24-carat gold、24K gold或999 gold,海關音譯作Chuk Kam,卻怕胡兒不懂,加上「足金」兩字,但胡兒既然不懂Chuk Kam,又怎會懂得「足金」?而Chuk Kam是粵語拼音,與前文feicui之「漢語拼音」不一致,海關是不是有心提倡港語,搞什麼「港語學」,也即是「搞港獨」?鄭月娥政府請嚴加究治才好。

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