教協近日俾官媒《新華社》及《人民日報》發文炮轟教協,教育局亦終止與教協嘅合作關係,未知仲會點樣追究。教協喺幾日前就宣布過,會成立中國歷史文化工作組,推動教師正面認識中國歷史、國情和文化,以培養學生嘅家國情懷,但最終都無法避免要解散。另外,教協已於前幾日都退出咗國際教育組織(Education International)。
香港教育專業人員協會(簡稱教協;Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union),係由大學、中學、小學、幼稚園各級學校教師組成嘅工會,現有會員九萬五千人,係香港最大嘅單一行業、會員最多嘅工會。喺1973年由前市政局議員錢世年倡議創立,及後葛量洪校友會觀塘學校校長司徒華獲選為首任主席。
#教協 #教協解散 #官媒點名 #新華社 #人民日報 #教育局 #國際教育組織 #香港教育 #港語學
感謝會員近半世紀支持 教協決定解散
如有查詢,請致電 2780-7337與教協職員聯絡。
Grateful for the Support over the Years
HKPTU Resolve to Dissolve
10th August 2021
The Executive Committee announced on 10th August 2021 that it was resolved that HKPTU is to be dissolved, and relevant procedures will be activated with immediate effect.
To minimise the impact on members and make arrangements for dissolution, the service centres will be still in operation on temporary basis. The HKPTU is confident of being able to implement the process in an orderly and reasonable manner.
The recruitment and renewal of membership has been stopped. Members who have just renewed their membership will be arranged for refund. For details of the operation of all services, please refer to: http://www.hkptu.org/dissolution
For enquiries, please contact the HKPTU at 2780-7337.