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小紅書賣DSE評卷機密 俾人踢爆更囂張:「#等考評局做嘢」

小紅書賣DSE評卷機密 俾人踢爆更囂張:「#等考評局做嘢」

小紅書賣DSE評卷機密 俾人踢爆更囂張:「#等考評局做嘢」


嗰個小紅書帳戶叫做「DSE 5**王老師」,主打考評分享,自稱教過十年日校,中大中文系畢業,係考評局「內部培訓常客、閱卷員、研究數千試卷」。早喺5月佢收到考評局評卷日程時,佢已經即刻放上小紅書,話自己負責改「百感交雜的聚餐」,28日目標要改500篇作文。

佢喺楊穎宇批評後雖然囂張,但都急急改名做「DSE Miss Huang 5**」。楊穎宇慨嘆話,「小紅書是金鐘罩、鐵布衫,HKEAA量他有豹子膽也不敢把它拿下。」

幾年前,補習名師Kris Lau就曾經因為向前學生購買考評局機密評卷資料,被提堂控以「串謀代理人接受利益罪」。法官稱涉案改卷工作就算只得兩天,但實質關係符合《防止賄賂條例》定義。港語學謹此提醒家長,切勿向呢位「王老師」購買試卷機密,否則法律風險自負。

#香港考試 #香港考評局 #考評局 #HKDSE #機密 #賄賂


As the release of examination results approaches, it has come to light that a user on the Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) has openly posted corrected reference documents marked as “Confidential (For Examiner Use Only)” for the Chinese Language subject. The user claims that more documents will be released publicly in August. Former subject manager of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA), Yang Wingyu, criticized this action, stating that “Xiaohongshu is not above the law” and questioned the responsibility of the HKEAA. The examiner, however, responded defiantly, stating, “Serious and logical… let the HKEAA do their job,” showing an extreme level of arrogance.

The Xiaohongshu account in question is named “DSE 5** 王老師” and focuses on sharing assessment materials. The user claims to have taught for ten years at a day school and graduated from the Chinese Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. They also state that they have received internal training from the HKEAA, worked as an examiner, and researched thousands of examination papers. As early as May, when the examiner received the assessment schedule from the HKEAA, they immediately posted about it on Xiaohongshu, claiming responsibility for grading “a mix of feelings gathering” and aiming to mark 500 essays in 28 days.

After receiving criticism from Yang Wingyu, the examiner changed their username to “DSE Miss Huang 5**.” Yang Wingyu lamented that “Xiaohongshu is untouchable; the HKEAA, even if they have the courage of a leopard, dare not take it down.”

A few years ago, renowned tutor Kris Lau was prosecuted for purchasing confidential assessment materials from former students, resulting in charges of “conspiracy to accept advantages as an agent.” The judge ruled that even though the alteration of papers was done within a span of only two days, it still met the definition of bribery under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. Hong Kong Language Learning Association (HKLLA) hereby reminds parents not to purchase confidential examination materials from this “Teacher Huang.” Otherwise, they will bear the legal risks themselves.

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