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浸大擬修例予校董會主席絕對權力 在任何事務排除學生校董

浸大擬修例予校董會主席絕對權力 在任何事務排除學生校董

浸大擬修例予校董會主席絕對權力 在任何事務排除學生校董




至於「浸大老屎忽」就喺Instagram表示收到草案全文。佢留意到草案都落力打壓未經授權浸大名義嘅機構同個人,估計浸大secrets、浸大老屎忽佢本人、同浸大山神等都會受影響,罰金由10,000增加十倍到100,000。 「浸大山神」Facebook專頁管理員陳樂行就話,自己喺畢業後已經將「浸大山神」當中嘅「浸大」刪除:「你估『浸大』個朵好馨香咩?」

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Dear alumni,

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) was incorporated under the Hong Kong Baptist University Ordinance (Cap.1126) (HKBU Ordinance) which provides for the statutory status of HKBU and sets out, inter alia, the University’s objects, governance structure and powers.

As the HKBU Ordinance has already been in force for three decades, the Council of HKBU set up the Task Force on Review of the Hong Kong Baptist University Ordinance (Task Force) to review the HKBU Ordinance to ensure that it is up to date and fit for purpose. After a series of benchmarking studies and deliberations, several revisions to the HKBU Ordinance have been proposed, and approved by the Council.

As a valued member of the HKBU community, you are cordially invited to provide comments on these proposed revisions via this online feedback form on or before 7 January 2024.

Please sign in using your email address registered with the Alumni Affairs Office as the username and the following password:

Kindly note that, for verifying your identity as an alumnus, you will be asked to fill in your graduation year and programme of study on the form.

The “Personal Information Collection Statement” for this exercise is appended at the end of this email, and we kindly request your careful consideration of its contents.

In addition to this online channel, you may also share your comments with us at a forthcoming face-to-face consultation session, the details of which will be announced in due course.

All comments collected will be carefully considered in the subsequent review process.

We look forward to receiving your views, which will go a long way towards making the review a success. Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,
Hong Kong Baptist University

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